速報APP / 教育 / Primary School Teacher Exam Question and

Primary School Teacher Exam Question and





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:House# 25/1-A Sukhrabad Sher-e-Bangla Nagor Thana, Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh

Primary School Teacher Exam Question and Solution(圖1)-速報App

In this primary teacher question bank and Quiz app you will get all the previous question of the primary teacher government school . From the various primary teacher exam guide from internet we collect all the question and made this apps for you. Hope this question bank helps you in bank job and bcs preparation as well . Soon we gonna publish primary teacher interview guide for for you which will be free. We wish you all the best for primary teacher niyog alternatively shikkok nibondon exam . Hope you will like our Non Government Teachers Registration Question Bank app .

Main Menu Option:

# Primary School Head Teacher Recruitment Examination Question Bank with Solution

# Primary School Assistant Teacher Recruitment Examination Question Bank with Solution

Primary School Teacher Exam Question and Solution(圖2)-速報App

# Non Government Teachers Registration Question Bank with Solution

# Online Quiz with Result View

# You Offline Data Save

# You send Your Opinion

Primary School Teacher Exam Question and Solution(圖3)-速報App

Our app features are given below:

# Bangla questions Bank with Solution

# English questions Bank with Solution

# General knowledge questions Bank with Solution

Primary School Teacher Exam Question and Solution(圖4)-速報App

# Math questions Bank with Solution

# ICT questions Bank with Solution

# Prathomik shikkhok nibondhon porikkha

If being a government teacher or employee is your vision then this app is for you.

Primary School Teacher Exam Question and Solution(圖5)-速報App

# App provide Primary Teacher registration

# This app has all previous year question papers solutions.

# You can test yourself participating in model test exam.

# Each question paper has correct solution.

Primary School Teacher Exam Question and Solution(圖6)-速報App

# Model test exam taken within time by timer, so a real test.

# You can give online exam by this app and can see your acquired marks.

# All study materials for future teachers are included like bangla, math test, general knowledge and English exam.

Primary School Teacher Exam Question and Solution(圖7)-速報App